Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oh, what a night

There I was, sleeping peacefully on my bed in the computer room when all of a sudden there was such a noise. Coco had come in and had scrounged something out of the waste basket.

That's not true, I didn't actually get anything, but I did smell cookies!

Whatever. It was VERY noisy. Then the Dad type person came in and all the lights were on.

Yeah, I didn't count on being caught in the act. I really could smell cookies, not our cookies, but the sweet cookies that the old folks eat. All that was there was the plastic containers so I was chewing through them hoping to get a few crumbs, at least.

Didn't you think that something would happen when you were making enough noise to wake the dead?

Are you serious, Jodie? I'm a Lab, a Labrador retriever and this was food, or at least I thought it was. I'd rather eat than do anything, and when it's something I shouldn't have, the more I want it. Well, maybe not anything. I'd rather chase a ball than eat sometimes. I might prefer rolling in something like a rotten fish, unless I'm really hungry.

I think that you get into trouble when you have too much free time and you get bored. Why weren't you sleeping?

I dunno, I think the cookies were calling me.

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