Sunday, December 20, 2009

Labrador Psychology 101

Coco and I are cracking up over the events of the last couple of days. The puppies are starting to go to their new homes and the old man has been crowing about the smaller amount of poop that will be produced. with three puppies gone he expected the "puppy output" to diminish by about a third. Hold on while I try to control myself, I'm laughing so much.

Yeah, that was what the old man thought. However, he didn't take the ingenuity of the lab pups into consideration. They knew that some of the mini pack was being moved to new quarters and figured that maybe it was because they were not "producing" enough. So.......they got together and decided that if they really tried, they could increase "output" by 50 to 60 percent. The result was that the amount of poop that had to be cleaned up this morning was about the same, or a little more, as before.'s a riot watching the old man trying to scoop up the mess with all the pups clawing at his hands and stepping in the poop. I think it's a good thing that we Labs don't understand those words. A lot of this is working in our favor because I think that they appreciate us older, house broken dogs a lot more.

You all should be here to watch the show. I have to surpress my howling with glee as I'm sure it will only drive the old man berserk!

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